Vermi-composting is in practice in the college since last 10 years. The campus area of the college is full of greenery with wild, ornamental and medicinal plants. Foliage collected daily is properly disposed in the vermin- composting pits constructed for the same purpose. Before using foliage for compost it is crushed with the help of foliage cutter machine and then gets stored in the pits. Earth worm species Eisenia foetida is selected for this purpose. Daily sprinkling of water maintains proper moisture in the pits. Mixing of 25% cattle dung in the foliage gives best result. Period of 2-3 month is required for the proper conversion of the foliage into bio-fertilizer vermin-composting depending on population f the worms.
Produced vermi compost is used as a bio-fertilizer for campus plantation and excess vermin compost is sold to the students in minimum rate. In this way this is an attempt for self funding to the college and at the same time students are also provided knowledge about the project and guided to use such type of project in the farming also. This is an attempt to minimize the pollution create environmental awareness among the students.